Restaurant QR menu

Experience it by scanning the code, or tap here

Don't make your customers wait for a menu...

... Have them scan your QRApp Restaurant QR. Save their time! They see the menu right away.

Don't serve your customers contaminated paper menu...

... Stop COVID. Serve them a paperless, contact-less digital QR menu.

Don't make the waitress run around serving menu...

... Give her a break! Have your customers scan your Restaurant QR. Everything is there.

Create a free business card qr code with QRApp.
QRApp Restaurant QR is the revolutionary new solution for restaurants. Make things easier for your customers, by linking everything with one QR code.
QRApp Restaurant QR is an integrated solution with many tools for successful restaurant enterpreunuers, owners, manager, and marketers
QRApp Restaurant QR is the revolutionary new solution for restaurants. Link all your social media with one QR code.

One code to link them all

Link all your social channels with one QR code

Add as many social media you like. You can update the page address any time.

Add as many social media site to your code.
QRApp Restaurant QR Menu is the state of the art way to serve your customers your menu. Upto seven languages, automatic updates, search menu, add instruction, create order form, add tip. Amazingly this app shows you live data of how many times the menu is being viewed today, and total number of times the menu has been viewed. Use this data to infer how well the restaurant business is doing. Can your menu do that?
QRApp Restaurant QR is the revolutionary new solution for restaurants. Make things easier for your customers, by linking everything with one QR code.

Your menu

Menu specials, and menu items. Update any time. Offer menu in multiple languages (optional).


Stay connected

Your social media sites, Instagram, Facebook, Trip Advisor, Yelp etc., your phone, number, address, business hours etc. is in the same code. After scanning your QRApp QR code, your customers can connect with you any way they want, whenever they want! Enjoy the benefits, of QRApp saving your code in your customer's devices along with a memorable QR icon, they can tap any time they want.


Organic growth of your business

Local network effect. Enjoy the benefits of organic growth, when you serve your customers well and have them scan your QRApp QR code. Because this code is now saved in your customer's phone, they can share it with their friends, families and others they know.


Promote your business

Create coupons and video Ads from your QR App and market it to your retail customer directly within QR App. When your customers scan your code, they see your video ads. Promote your menu specials and new items. These marketing tools were only available to professionals marketers before. Track your ROI (Return on the money you spent on the Ads) with built in performance data.

QRApp Restaurant QR with integrated coupon to promote your business.
QRApp Restaurant QR with integrated video ads to promote and grow your business.
QRApp  restaurnt QR code with integrated Job ads. Hire easily with QRApp Restaurant QR code.

Quick start guide

Part 1: Create your Restaurant profile

1. Scan or tap to download QRApp. 2. Select the 'More' tab, then press 'Create QR', then Select 'Restaurant QR' 3. Enter your restaurant profile information.

Create a free business card qr code with QRApp.

Type in restaurant name, address, phone, and phone, fax, email, website (etc.) If you don't have a website leave the field blank. Your QR App Restaurant QR code serves as an alternative to a website.


Add a profile photo to represent your restaurant. This photo also serve as your QR icon. Select your restaurant type. Write an intro. This text shows as a banner Ad under your QR Card when customers scans the code. See the Pizza Hut example.


Add your business hours, social media, etc. You can add as many social media sites you have. Then hit the 'Next: Menu' button.

Contactless Digital Menu. Update any time. Publish menu specials anytime. Updates are instantaneously available to your customers.

Part 2: Build Your Menu

Follow the steps below to build your menu. You can offer your menu in upto seven languages (optional). Press the 'Continue' button.

Create a free business card qr code with QRApp.

Select the language for your menu. You can build a menu in up to seven languages by tapping 'Select a language for the menu'.


Add a menu section. Give it a title such as "Burgers", "Salads" etc. Use the default "Menu specials" section to offer your breakfast special, lunch specials etc.


Type the menu item, it's description and price.

Manage your Restaurant QR

Part 3: Your Restaurant QR Dashboard

When you are done building your menu, tap the back button until you reach step 3, then hit the 'Activate button'. Preview your restaurant qr to make sure everything is correct. Then hit the 'Activate' button.

Then hit the 'Activate' button. Once activation succeeds, you will see your 'QR Dashboard'. This is the central place from where you will manage your restaurant.

Create a free business card qr code with QRApp.
Free digital business card with dynamic scannable qr-code. QRApp business card are high quality and beautifully designed modern business card. Keep it in your phone.Share it with others by scanning, via text, email. Print out high quality business card. Make your own. Free.

QR Sticker™️ and QR Code

Part 4: QR Widget

Print your sticker. Customize it. Add COVID safety icons.

Tap the 'QR Sticker', button to see the Widget. Stickers can be printed on translucent sticker paper or transparent sticker paper if you want to display it on a glass door.

Create a free business card qr code with QRApp.

Print your QR Sticker. Select PDF, and PNG for transparent background with nice rounded corner. JPG for small image size for the web.


If you need only the code, select 'Export only QR code'.


Multiple print options are available. Select PNG, and JPEG for transparent background.

COVID safety

Part 5: Customize your QR sticker for COVID safety precautions

Depending your local COVID guidelines, select from 'Mask Required', 'Mask recommended', 'Social Distancing', 'Wash hands' and no precautionary icons.

Tap the 'QR Sticker', button to see the Widget.

QRApp QR Sticker provides built in COVID safety precautionary icons. Stop the spread..

Select an option based on your local guidelines. Mask required, social distancing, no mask etc.


Wearing a Mask icon provides a visual clue to your customer. This can help prevent the spread of the virus.


You can share the sticker with others, Print it out etc.

Fundraiser qr-code. Scannable event qr-code in a QRApp QR Sticker. QRApp QR sticker is the human interface for QR code. QRApp QR Stickers are easy for customers to recognize and scan, because it incorporates images, icon and text together within a bound box
    to create a sense that they are associated and belongs together. Drive more customers to your website by using a QRApp QR code.

Show your Sticker

Part 6: Display your stickers and encourage your customers to scan

Depending your local COVID guidelines, select from 'Mask Required', 'Mask recommended', 'Social Distancing', 'Wash hands' and no precautionary icons.

Tap the 'QR Sticker', button to see the Widget.

Create a free business card qr code with QRApp.